Vote on Election Day, March 26th
Election Day is Sunday, March 26, 2023. Cast your ballot the old-fashioned way…in person, 10a-6p, at the Oakwood Recreation Center – 787 California Ave in Venice. Bring one form of ID proving you are a Venice stakeholder (live, work, or own property). Please visit the Election Documentation Guide for more details. You can also check out the How To Vote page on the City Clerk’s website or scan the QR code to the right.
Seems confusing? We agree. Working to modify the voting process and geographic representation for your neighborhood are both high on my agenda after being elected to the VNC.

Vote on By Mail – Ballot Requests Now Closed
The deadline to request a vote-by-mail ballot was March 7th.
- If you requested a ballot by this date AND received a confirmation of the filing from the City Clerk’s office, you will receive your ballot in the mail. Completed ballots must be postmarked by March 26th OR you can drop them off at the poll location in Venice on election day – Oakwood Recreation Center – 787 California Ave.
- If you requested a ballot and do not receive it prior to election day, you can still vote in person using a provisional ballot. Upon verification by the City Clerk, it will be included in the final results.
Who Is Eligible to Vote?
Any Venice stakeholder 16 years of age or older is eligible to vote. A “stakeholder” is defined as someone who lives, works, or owns property and/or a business within the Venice neighborhood boundaries. In addition, “community interest stakeholders,” such as church members, local students (or parents of students), or members of local service organizations are eligible to vote for the Community Interest Community Officer. Candidates and voters need not be US citizens or legal residents to qualify. Participation is also open to the formerly incarcerated.
Election Results
Unofficial results will be announced Friday, March 31st. Final results will be released on Monday, April 10th. The new VNC term begins in July.