A Better Marina Del Rey
MDR Should Be Fairly Represented on the VNC
The LA City neighborhoods of Marina Del Rey comprise 15-22% of the total Venice population, yet the current Venice Neighborhood Council has EXACTLY ONE MDR stakeholder. The vast majority of VNC members are from other areas such as North Venice, Oakwood, Millwood, the Venice Canals, Windward Circle, etc. That means our community is extremely underrepresented. Who is listening on behalf of Marina Del Rey on the VNC? Are votes being cast with MDR in mind? What is the potential impact on our future as MDR stakeholders?
Is MDR Within the VNC boundaries?
Admittedly, it can be confusing. While all of Marina Del Rey shares one zip code (90292), the area is split between LA City and LA County. Much of the MDR population lies within LA city boundaries. This includes the Marina Peninsula, Silver Strand, Oxford Triangle, and Lincoln Business District. All of these neighborhoods are part of the VNC geographic area.
The unincorporated sections of MDR are considered part of LA County. This includes the Marina boat slips themselves, the buildings along the finger streets (i.e.: Palawan, Panay, and Tahiti Way) as well as Mariners Village, and, the Marina City Club. None of these residents are eligible to vote in the VNC elections.
It’s Time For MDR to Have a Voice in the VNC
Earlier this week I listened in to the monthly Ocean Front Walk Committee meeting. There was an agenda item seeking a new scooter company, Tuk Tuk, geofence their vehicles along the Venice Boardwalk. Geofence technology can render scooters inoperable outside the boundaries of an electronic fence. When implemented effectively, it can (at least partially) mitigate scooters from being parked on walk streets and private property. Scooters impact many of us within MDR. There was nobody representing MDR’s interest in this issue.
The VNC, working as a valued advisory resource to Traci Park (our new CD-11 representative) as well as city agencies, can make a difference. It’s time for MDR to have a voice.

How To Vote in the VNC Election

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Issues We Care About
There are numerous challenges facing MDR residents. Some are shared with the greater Venice community, yet impact MDR uniquely. Among them are: