The VNC is the Venice Neighborhood Council. It is one of 99 neighborhood councils spread among the fifteen Los Angeles council districts. Venice is located within CD-11. Marina Del Rey is a section of Venice. Traci Park was recently elected our council representative. Visit Traci’s official website.
What are Neighborhood Councils?
(from the EmpowerLA website) – Neighborhood Councils are the closest form of government to the people. They are advisory bodies (not lawmaking entities), who advocate for their communities with their councilmember and Los Angeles city departments on important issues like development, homelessness, services, and emergency preparedness. Neighborhood Councils are considered part of the Los Angeles City government and have annual budgets funded by taxpayer dollars.
Neighborhood Council board members are city officials elected by the members of their local communities, and who donate their time as volunteers. The Neighborhood Council system was established in 1999 as a way of ensuring that the City government remains responsive to the different needs and lifestyles of Los Angeles’ rich variety of communities. Each neighborhood council serves approximately 40,000 people within defined community boundaries. Within CD-11, there are nine NCs.
What area is covered by the VNC?
The VNC constituent area is generally aligned with the traditional Venice boundaries as follows (view the VNC map):
- North – City of Santa Monica
- East – A combination of the eastern edge of the Venice High School grounds, Culver City, Walnut Avenue, Del Rey Avenue, and Lincoln Boulevard
- West – Pacific Ocean
- South – All parts of Marina Del Rey in Los Angeles city are within VNC boundaries. Unincorporated sections of MDR (i.e.: the Marina itself, Mariners Village, Marina City Club) are part of LA County and therefore not eligible to vote in the VNC elections.

These are the neighborhoods of Marina Del Rey within the Los Angeles city boundaries. All stakeholders living on the Marina Peninsula, Silver Strand, Oxford Triangle, and Lincoln Business District (west side of Lincoln + south of Washington + north of Maxella) are eligible to vote in the VNC election.
Who Is On the VNC?
The VNC is governed by 21 officers, all elected for two-year terms.
- 7 Executive Officers (President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications, Chair of Land Use & Planning, Outreach)
- 13 Community Officers – Steve is running for this position
- 1 Community Interest Officer
While there are 13 Community Officer positions, stakeholders are only allowed to vote for one candidate. Your vote is therefore crucial to the success of every candidacy.